Increase Reader Engagement, Automatically

Every article is automatically optimized with our suite of AI Engagement Tools. Plus, Create Content and get profile info on your anonymous website visitors in real-time. No code. No management.

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“After turning on Captain, we saw a massive +300% boost to Sign Ups overnight!” - EarlyBird

Our Happy Customers

Get So Much More From Your Articles
* Contextual CTAs inserted that match what your user is reading
* Lead Magnets that capture visitors emails
* Conversational Podcasts created for every article, and more!

Read the case studies

Captain has become a critical component of our marketing technology stack. We've seen conversion rates TRIPLE!

Caleb Frankel
Co-Founder & COO @EarlyBird
Read the Case Study

This tool has incredibly improved our click-throughs to sign up for our SaaS product, Trustworthy, by 10x.

Nathaniel Robinson
CEO Trustworthy
Read the Case Study

Captain has become an integral part of our content strategy. It makes us more efficient and has really improved our overall conversion rates. So, it's been fantastic.

Isabel Rittenberg
CMO Marble
Read the Case Study

For me, Captain acts as this powerful data engine that helps me pinpoint what's working and what isn’t, and where to direct my focus next.

Anthony J Nelson
Founder and Managing Partner @Growth Culture
Read the Case Study

Captain's ability to synthesize our ideas and develop impactful solutions has been crucial.

Erik Mayo
President @Timbalier Resources
Read the Case Study

Captain has become a critical component of our marketing technology stack. We've seen conversion rates TRIPLE!

Caleb Frankel
Co-Founder & COO @EarlyBird
Read the Case Study

This tool has incredibly improved our click-throughs to sign up for our SaaS product, Trustworthy, by 10x.

Nathaniel Robinson
CEO Trustworthy
Read the Case Study

Captain has become an integral part of our content strategy. It makes us more efficient and has really improved our overall conversion rates. So, it's been fantastic.

Isabel Rittenberg
CMO Marble
Read the Case Study

Captain has become an integral part of our content strategy. It makes us more efficient and has really improved our overall conversion rates. So, it's been fantastic.

Isabel Rittenberg
CMO Marble
Read the Case Study

Captain has become an integral part of our content strategy. It makes us more efficient and has really improved our overall conversion rates. So, it's been fantastic.

Isabel Rittenberg
CMO Marble
Read the Case Study

Captain's ability to synthesize our ideas and develop impactful solutions has been crucial.

Erik Mayo
President @Timbalier Resources
Read the Case Study

For me, Captain acts as this powerful data engine that helps me pinpoint what's working and what isn’t, and where to direct my focus next.

Anthony J Nelson
Founder and Managing Partner @Growth Culture
Read the Case Study

Captain has become a critical component of our marketing technology stack. We've seen conversion rates triple!

Caleb Frankel
Co-Founder & COO @EarlyBird
Read the Case Study

Captain has become a critical component of our marketing technology stack. We've seen conversion rates TRIPLE!

Caleb Frankel
Co-Founder & COO @EarlyBird
Read the Case Study

This tool has incredibly improved our click-throughs to sign up for our SaaS product, Trustworthy, by 10x.

Nathaniel Robinson
CEO Trustworthy
Read the Case Study

Captain has become an integral part of our content strategy. It makes us more efficient and has really improved our overall conversion rates. So, it's been fantastic.

Isabel Rittenberg
CMO Marble
Read the Case Study

Captain's ability to synthesize our ideas and develop impactful solutions has been crucial.

Erik Mayo
President @Timbalier Resources
Read the Case Study

For me, Captain acts as this powerful data engine that helps me pinpoint what's working and what isn’t, and where to direct my focus next.

Anthony J Nelson
Founder and Managing Partner @Growth Culture
Read the Case Study

Automated CRO Tools
+ Create Content + Identify Visitors

Content Strategy

Captain automatically creates your content calendar based on the topics and pain points that resonate most.

Content Creation

Seamlessly create Campaigns that include Articles, Personal Social Post, Brand Social Post, Infographics, Newsletter, Narrated Podcast. Plus all imagery. Oh, and with automated research and experts commentary included.

Conversion Optimization (CRO)

A Suite of tools that are automatically inserted into Articles to increase engagement and conversion:

  • Contextual CTAs
  • Lead Magnets
  • Podcasts
  • Audio Testimonials
  • Related content
  • And so much more
A preview of the engagement tools Ui

Identify your Website Visitors

  • We'll show you the specific individuals engaging on your website (US visitors only)
  • Identify your anonymous website visitors in realtime, connect with them on LinkedIn - close more sales

Insights & Tracking

  • See what Topics and pain points are resonating most with your users
  • Captain uses these insights to then optimize your content strategy and calendar, week over week

Ready to try it out?

Top, Middle and Bottom of funnel

Content marketing for all stages:

  • Top of funnel - Educate: topics related to your product or industry that your audience is interested in
  • Middle of Funnel - Company Announcements: Share company news and updates easily. New hire? New product launch? Hit a milestone? And more
  • Bottom of funnel - Competitor Comparisons: easily compare your features to your competitors.
    Case Studies: Easily collect audio testimonials from customers which are automatically converted into Case Studies, 1 pagers, Social posts and more




Optimize your Articles for Conversion, instantly.

7 day free trial. Cancel anytime

$99/mo  $69/mo

30 new articles optimized with Tools /mo
Automated Podcast (choose from Monologue or Dialogue)
50+ Voices to choose from
Voice Cloning - be the voice of your brand
Lead Magnets capturing Email Address
Contextual CTAs
Automated Table of Contents
Insights & Tracking Dashboard

4 Campaigns /mo. Each Campaign includes:
Brand Social Posts
Personal Social Posts
AI Imagery
Automated Research
Automated Content Strategy
Content Calendar
Publish from Captain
3 seats

Optimize your Articles and Create Content

7 day free trial. Cancel anytime

$279/mo  $195/mo

100 new Articles Optimized with Tools /mo
12 Campaigns /mo
Advanced Research
YouTube + Podcast Auto-Transcribe
Upload PDFs
Unlimited seats
LEADS, PLus CRO TOOLs & Create

Better Conversion, More Content and Know who your Anonymous website visitors are - in real time!

7 day free trial. Cancel anytime

$529/mo  $370/mo


Everything in CRO TOOLS + CREATE +:

200 new Articles optimized with Tools / mo
Unlimited Content Creation
200 Lead IDs /mo (US visitors only)
Leads sent to Slack + Captain in real time

© 2024 Captain. Convert more readers to revenue ❤️ by MoneyMade.